We wrote about a planned action of the illegal Neo-Nazi parliamentary party Jobbik in Veszprém: Jobbik-rally: "We are sick and tired of the Holocaust!!!"
On the photos of the reports(1) can be seen that Nazis were about ten maybe. It is said that the counter-protesters could be twice more than Nazis. They hold sheets with slogans formally similar to Nazis' ones but contrary in meaning: "We are fed up with anti-Semitism and Nazism!".

Pretty Hungarian absurdity that the police (and also all of the Hungarian authorities) has no any problem with illegal Neo-Nazis. As for the Anti-Nazi protesters, well, they don't dare say Nazis illegal. Maybe they cannot understand why would be.
On the website of the Neo-Nazi parliamentary party Jobbik can be seen prohibited(4) totalitarian symbol, hammer and sickle:
(1) Reports in a local website about the Veszprém event:
- With photos of Jobbik demonstrators - we'd rather name them provocateurs (Demonstrált a Jobbik, demonstráltak a Jobbik ellen is): http://www.veszport.hu/tartalom/cikk/2977_jobbik
- With photos of opening ceremony of the cattle-truck exhibition and anti-Jobbik counter-protesters - Jobbik says they were provocateurs (Tudással az antiszemitizmus ellen): http://www.veszport.hu/tartalom/cikk/2984_tudassal_az_antiszemitizmus_ellen
(3) Who could think that the fight against the Neo-Nazism is hampered even in Germany:
- "A crossed-out swastika reminiscent of a no-parking sign or a little stick person throwing a swastika into a garbage can are images often used by the left-wing movement in Germany. That's despite the fact that the swastika itself is banned as a symbol of an unconstitutional organization. German law allows its use, though, if it is clearly in a form indicating opposition to National Socialism." Sabina Casagrande: Stuttgart Seeks to Ban Anti-Fascist Symbols, http://www.dw.de/dw/article/5/0,,1952743,00.html
- Antifascist symbols criminalized in Germany: http://stop-institutional-racism.blogspot.com/2006/10/antifascist-symbols-criminalized-in.html
"Hungary, it is a criminal misdemeanour to publicly display "totalitarian symbols", including the swastika, the SS insignia and the Arrow Cross, punishable by fine. Display for academic, educational, artistic or journalistic reasons is allowed. Also the communist symbols of hammer and sickle and the red star are also regarded as a totalitarian symbols and have the same restriction by Hungarian criminal law." http://wiki.answers.com/Q/In_what_countries_is_the_swastika_symbol_illegal
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