A useful collection of reports from Hungary about the neo-Nazi Hungarian Guard(1) related to killing of Romas, with English narration. Viktória Mohácsi(2), the former Member of European Parliament, Aladár Horváth(3), roma leader, Pál Tamás(4), sociologist, and others are speaking about deeper background and probable connections between events.
Krisztina Morvai(5), (lawyer) the well known anti-Semitic politician close co-working with the neo-Nazi Jobbik (though she is not member of it), and some members of Jobbik also can be heard. The video was uploaded on Sep 2, 2009.
Fascism in Hungary- Faschismus in Ungarn,EuroNews a magyarországi cigányságról magyar felirattal
____________________ Sources:
(1) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magyar_G%C3%A1rda
The paramilitary neo-Nazi Magyar Gárda Mozgalom (English: Hungarian Guard Movement) founded by neo-Nazi party Jobbik (Gábor Vona) Nowaday it is formally banned but it acts under different names, as New Hungarian Guard or Hungarian National Guard and joined with other neo-Nazi groups in a "Gárda Szövetség" (Guard Alliance). Homepage of the latter (in Hungarian): http://www.gardaszovetseg.com
(2) Viktória Mohácsi on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viktória_Mohácsi
In 2009, she requested police protection due to serious threats she had received.
In February 2012 she has asked for asylum in Canada.
2012.02.04. romea.cz: Hungarian Roma activist, former member of European Parliament emigrates to Canada, "Under the previous, Socialist governments Mohacsi worked as ministerial commissioner in charge of the integration of children from Roma communities or living in deep poverty. She was delegated to the European Parliament by Hungary’s liberal Free Democratic Party, which has now become virtually defunct." http://www.romea.cz/english/index.php?id=detail&detail=2007_3142
(3) Aladár Horváth: "a former SZDSZ member of parliament and chairman of the Roma Civil Rights Foundation, is spending a few months[in summer of 2011] in the United States. A couple of weeks ago he gave a lecture in Washington entitled Hungary: From Bad to Worse/End of the Republic, Rise of Barbarism." July 04, 2011. Aladár Horváth in Washington: the Roma issue in perspective,

In December of 2011 he was a guest lecturer in Canada: Hungary, Canada, and the Roma: Roma Rights Seminar and Discussion in Canada, and an open lecture "Fate of Roma in Central Europe", http://www.romatoronto.org/past.html
Aladár Horváth has returned (Horváth Aladár visszatért), January 24, 2012. http://www.romnet.hu/hirek/2012/01/24/horvath_aladar_visszatert . The article (in Hungarian) contained some useful pieces of information. The article alleges that Aladár Horváth cancelled the Roma Civil Rights Foundation and has formed a new organisation called Civil Rights Movement for Republic. Another source (in Hungarian): http://hvg.hu/itthon/20120124_roma_polgarjogi_mozgalom
(4) Pál Tamás: professor of sociology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences: http://www.socio.mta.hu/researchers/index.php?action=details&item=1 , http://www.evd-reset.org/general_members_faculty_cv_cv_dr._pal_tamas/
Here is one of his studies in English, useful and informative: Radical right-wing ideologies at the start of the 2006 political season, http://www.socio.mta.hu/dynamic/TamasP_Radical_right_wing_ideologies.pdf
Another informative article relating Pál Tamás in an English language blog: Radical right in Hungary, a new study, http://esbalogh.typepad.com/hungarianspectrum/2008/09/extreme-right-new-right-radical-right-in-hungary.html
(5) Krisztina Morvai on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krisztina_Morvai
"She was elected on the list of the political party Jobbik - Movement for a Better Hungary in the 2009 European Parliament elections. Although Morvai is not a member of Jobbik, the party already declared her as its future nominee for the position of the president of Hungary."
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