“The world is a dangerous place to live in; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.”
(Albert Einstein – refugee from Nazi Germany)

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Náci színház: csak tréfa?

2012.02.01. Budapest: tüntetés a "demokratikus" Magyarország első názi színháza(1) ellen a XXI. századi Európában. Gyárfás Endre(2): Tréfa volt c. (1961 írott) verse(3) hallható Zsolnai Júlia előadásában, miközben a magyar neonácik hangos kórusa gyalázkodó náci szlogenek skandálásával akadályozzák a rendezvényt.

(1) Előzmény: http://antifa-hungary.blogspot.com/2012/01/antifasiszta-tuntetes-az-uj-szinhaznal.html
(2) Gyárfás Endre, Wikipédia: http://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gy%C3%A1rf%C3%A1s_Endre_%28%C3%ADr%C3%B3%29
(3) Gyárfás Endre: Tréfa volt

Nazi theatre: Just a joke?

2012.02.01. Budapest: demonstration against the first Nazi theatre(1) in the "democratic" Hungary - XXI. century Europe. Poem "Just a joke"(2) written in 1961 by Endre Gyárfás(3) is recited by the actress Júlia Zsolnai while Hungarian neo-Nazis' loud chorus is disturbing the event by repeating abusive Nazi slogans.

(1) More details: http://www.antifa-hungary.blogspot.com/2012/02/against-hungarian-nazi-theatre.html
(2) Unfortunately any English translation of the poem cannot be found, nor of the Hungarian Wikipedia article about Gyárfás: http://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gy%C3%A1rf%C3%A1s_Endre_%28%C3%ADr%C3%B3%29
(3) Endre Gyárfás: http://www.ibby.hu/im/bologna2006_irok.pdf
Born in 1936 in Szeged, he is a poet, writer, editor and translator.
He graduated from ELTE University, Budapest, in Hungarian and English philology. He worked as editor for the publishing house Europa from 1960 to 1963 and for Hungarian Television from 1963 to 1966. He taught in various schools and spent some years in Spain. Since 1981 he has been a freelance writer of historical and biographical stories, travelogues, short stories, tales and verse. He has written scripts for 40 animation films,more than 30 TV films, 10 adaptations from tales and wrote 45 radio plays, mostly for children.
His poems for children praise nature’s beauty, their rhythm and playful rhymes have an immediate appeal to young readers.
For Children Order, 1968
People of Eger for Their Town Prize, 1975
Attila József Prize, 2004
Soros Creative Scholarship, 1988
Fulbright Scholarship, 1988
Books for Children:
Magic Spells (poems, 1984)
A Cricket Tales (poems, 1986)
A Garden of Letters (poems, 1986)
Animals in Sport (poems, 1987)
Adventures of Family Bears (poems in 26 booklets, 1990, animation, 1990)
The Magic Dumpling (novel, 1991)
Pussy’s Adventures (poems, 1992)
An ABC of Animals (poems, 1996)
An ABC of Games (poems, 1993)
Hurrah, We Are Travelling! (poems, 1996)
Family Bear’s Fun Faire (poems, 1997)
A Space Game of the Teddies (play, 1997)
Master Marcus, the Handyman (novel, 2000)
The Big Honeybook of the Teddies (tales in verse, 2002, 2003)
Snow White (poems, 2003)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Against Hungarian Nazi theatre

01/02/2012 17:00 Budapest: there will be an antifa demonstration concerning the first Nazi theatre in "democratic" Hungary (Hungarian: "Új színház" , English: "New Theatre") in the down-town, map is here: http://g.co/maps/cjhyv

In short: since 2010 the fidesz (Orban) has been paying to the nazis for their services done during the 8 years (2002-2010) to get back the power -- for example now Nazis has got a theatre too.

And the apropos of the demonstration is the anniversary of the 2nd Hungarian Republic established February 1, 1946: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic_of_Hungary_%281946%E2%80%931949%29

Hungarian neo-Nazis (neo-arrowcrossers) (1) are preparing to disturb the event so there will be possible provocation by Nazis so anything can happen. Maybe it will be the point to explode that has been maturing for years.

The background information about the topic can be found through the next 2 links bellow - but the authors of articles are little soft as every "democrat" in Hungary except few - for example they don't dare name nazis nazis nor say that fidesz is far-right nor that Orban is building a Mussolini-type fascist regime, nor Hungary is a lawbreaking country and the parliament and the Orban government is illegitimate because of violation of Paris Peace Treaty 1947(2), etc.

Eva S. Balogh: Fidesz and the extreme right: The strange story of a new theatre director - http://esbalogh.typepad.com/hungarianspectrum/2011/10/fidesz-and-the-extreme-right-the-strange-story-of-a-new-theater-director.html

Unknown writer: Dörner - Csurka – and the real tragedy http://www.freehungary.hu/comments/513-doerner-csurka--and-the-real-tragedy.html
(1)  Two of the enormous Hungarian neo-Nazi website about the planning the provocation (in Hungarian):
(2) Paris Peace Treaty 1947: http://antifa-hungary.blogspot.com/2011/10/paris-peace-treaty-1947.html
Hungarian parliamentary election, 2010 - democracy is over: http://antifa-hungary.blogspot.com/2010/05/hungarian-parliamentary-election-2010.html