“The world is a dangerous place to live in; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.”
(Albert Einstein – refugee from Nazi Germany)

Friday, December 25, 2009

Megemlékezés Bajcsy-Zsilinszky Endréről és vértanútársairól - Deutsch József, az elfelejtett festőművész és ellenálló

2009. december 23-án 16 órakor a MEASZ - Összefogás a Demokráciáért mozgalom megemlékezést tartott Budapesten, a Deák Ferenc téren, a nyilasok által 1944. december 24-én Sopronkőhidán kivégzett Bajcsy-Zsilinszky Endre és mártírtársai emlékére. A megemlékezésen beszédet mondott Hanti Vilmos, a MEASZ elnöke és Vitányi Iván, 1944-es ellenálló és Bajcsy-Zsilinszky egykori fogolytársa. A beszédek elhangzása után a megjelent 20-30 résztvevő gyertyákat gyújtott a Bajcsy-Zsilinszky emlékmű lábánál.
Vitányi Iván itt meghallgatható beszédében szólt a magát anarchistának valló, ugyancsak 1944 decemberében Sopronkőhidán kivégzett és méltatlanul elfelejtett Deutsch József festőművészről is. Deutsch Józsefről keveset tudunk. A Kieselbach Galéria és Aukciósház honlapja szerint 1901-ben született; grafikus és plakáttervező volt. Művészeti tanulmányokat kezdett a budapesti Iparművészeti Iskolában, de azokat nem fejezte be. 1926-ban készítette az első plakátot az UFA filmstúdió filmjéhez. Ettől kezdve sokat foglalkoztatott plakáttervezőként működött. Az 1929-es barcelonai világkiállításon is sikert aratott egyik plakátja. 1944-ben ellenállóként letartóztatták, a Margit körúti fegyházba került, ahol Vitányi Iván cellatársa volt, majd a többi fogollyal együtt Sopronkőhidára vitték. Itt elsőként őt végezték ki 1944. december 21-én (l. Kovács Tamás: A Nemzeti Számonkérő Különítmény, Múltunk, 2006/3, 71-100).
A sopronkőhidai mártírok neveit - nem teljes és némileg pontatlan módon - emléktábla örökíti meg a fegyház falán. Volt köztük anarchista, kommunista, fajvédőből lett antifasiszta, volt köztük népi és urbánus egyaránt, sőt még arisztokrata is akadt. Példájuk bizonyítja, hogy a szélsőjobb, a nácizmus, a kirekesztés és a rasszista gyűlölet ellen csak a legszélesebb összefogással lehet méltó és hatékony módon fellépni.

Nagy Dénes Lajos

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Vaklárma volt - rendőrségi riasztás Iványi Gábor házánál

Budapest, 2009. december 15., kedd (OTS)

Vaklárma volt - minden bizonnyal - az a riasztás, melynek nyomán barátaink és híveink, valamint médiumok képviselői nagyszámban megjelentek a békásmegyeri Megbékélés Háza Templom parókiáján december 14-én 21.00-22.00 óra között.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Magyar Antifasiszta Liga

Egy magyarországi szervezet bemutatkozása:
 A Magyar Antifasiszta Ligát dr. Krausz Tamás(1) történész felhívására 2006. októberében alapítottuk.

Alapvető célunk a rasszizmus, az erőszak, a kirekesztés és a fajgyűlölet elleni küzdelem.

Minden erőnkkel és lehetőségünkkel küzdünk az egyre erősödő neonáci és hungarista eszmék és ezek mindenféle megnyilvánulása ellen.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Hungarian far-right party Jobbik sets up London branch


Jobbik, a far-right Hungarian party accused of anti-Semitism and racism, is setting up a branch in London. The nationalist party, which has its own uniformed paramilitary wing, will stoke fears about the extending reach of the far Right into Britain.

For the full paper visit the Times Online

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Berlin's Poison-Pen Letter

2009/11/25 BUDAPEST/BERLIN(Own report) - The Hungarian media reacted with estrangement to Germany and eight other western nations' diplomatic arm-twisting of Hungary. Through their embassies, the nine countries admonished Budapest with a public protest note, following Hungarian measures against West European and US companies operating in Hungary. A water company lost its lucrative franchise in a southern Hungarian city, because of overpricing and suspicion of irregularities while the German chaired European Bank for Reconstruction and Development along with a US company had to give up the radio frequencies of their stations to their rivals. The protest note was considered a very "unusual step and a venturous interference," an affront, to which the prime minister gave an immediate public response. He said he would take into consideration the objections of the West Europeans and Americans. This procedure shows clearly, to what extent Hungary has become economically dependent, above all, on Berlin. The mere threat of a withdrawal of investments is enough to force Budapest to enact new legislation.

Overpriced Water
One of the cases Germany and eight other countries referred to in their intervention concerns the water supply of the southern Hungarian metropolis Pécs. For the ridiculously low price of 1.6 million Euros, Suez, a French company, obtained 48 percent of the shares and the operative direction of Pécs' municipal water utilities in 1995. As in many other countries, where western companies took over the water utilities, the population began to complain of rising prices.[1] In the end, the overpricing of water led to hefty protests. There are diverging accounts of what happened subsequently. Pécs' mayor declared that because of various accusations, Suez had been given a notice of cancellation, effective October 1, 2009. Suez pleads ignorance. In any case, on October 5, the mayor had the French company locked out, and transferred the franchise of Pécs' water utilities to a local company. Suez has now taken the case to court.

Radio Frequencies
The second case concerns the Sláger and Danublus radio stations. At the end of October, the relevant authorities refused to extend licences for the frequencies of these two stations giving them instead to two new consortia. The US controlled Sláger Rádió is very popular. Danublus Rádió was run by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, with its German manager.[2] Both new consortia are closely affiliated with major Hungarian political parties, the Social Democrats and the ethnic chauvinist Fidesz Party. The United States had protested this non-consideration to the Hungarian government already back at the beginning of November. The "Sláger Rádió/Danublus Rádió" case has also been taken to court.

Like Client States
Without awaiting the court decisions, those embassies in the Hungarian capital representing Germany and eight other western countries have now publicly protested the "non-transparent behavior affecting investors."[3] The protest note, which can also be found on the German Embassy's website, dryly opens with two appraisals: the signatories represent countries, whose companies provide the majority of Hungary's foreign direct investments and Hungary finds itself in a serious economic crisis. This ostentatious muscle flexing is followed by the explicit indication that, in the case of unappreciated behavior, the investments could also fail to materialize. According to the document, the Hungarian government must now enact "anti-corruption legislation" to prevent such incidents in the future, as in the cases explained above. The tenor of the letter and the fact that the "statement" is accessible to the public, are an exceptional affront to Budapest, which is being treated like a dependent client state.

When one takes a look at the economic relations in Hungary, one sees that the West European countries, the USA as well as Japan, have fared rather well with the corruption that they are now criticizing. That there have repeatedly been cases of irregularities in the country, since the upheavals in 1989 and Hungary's joining the EU and NATO is hardly disputed. "Illegal collusion, backroom accords, corruption and fraud," according to the press in Budapest, have recurred occasionally. But the predominating west has had "enough influence and time" to have intervened "over the past twenty years".[4] In fact, through 20 years of "corruption" the economic control of the country has been turned over, to a large extent, above all to German companies. Nearly one-fourth of all foreign direct investments originated in Germany and that is excluding German investments carried out via Austria or the Netherlands as intermediaries. More than 7,000 companies have been founded, with German capital investments, either partially or totally, resulting in approx. 300,000 jobs in a country with a total population of only 10 million. German companies manage more than one-fourth of Hungary's foreign trade. Back in the spring, Berlin did not mention "corruption" when a manager, who for years had worked for a Hungarian branches of German enterprises, was positioned to become Hungary's minister of the economy.[5]

Confronted with Hungary's economic dependence, the prime minister gave in to the demands within a few days. On Monday, he invited the nine signatory ambassadors to a meeting. The German business press reported that during the conversation, the prime minister reiterated "that with the new anti-corruption law, the government wants to do everything possible to improve the atmosphere for foreigners to invest in Hungary."[6] The power relations have been re-established.

The Ethnic Chauvinist Rightwing
The socio-political effects are disastrous. The "poison-pen letter",[7] according to the press, "merely provides gratuitous ammunition to the national chauvinist forces of the Fidesz Party and beyond." As a matter of fact, the dependency on the west, reminiscent of colonial relations, is being made an issue particularly by ethnic chauvinist forces, such as the Fidesz Party or the other extreme right-wing Jubbik Party. These forces are charging the impulse in opposition to this foreign interference with ethnic chauvinism, linking it to typical anti-Jewish theories of conspiracies. The Jobbik Party, which resorts to this sort of imagery, had won 15 percent, six months ago, in Hungary's last EU elections. According to opinion polls, the spectrum of ethnic chauvinist political parties could even win a two-thirds majority in the coming parliamentary elections next year. Under these conditions, muscle flexing, such as the recent interference by the embassies, reinforce the extremist ethnic chauvinist right-wing.

[1] see also Property Obliges and Schwerwiegende Provokationen
[2] see also Wegbegleiter
[3] Es handelt sich um die Botschaften Belgiens, Frankreichs, Großbritanniens, Japans, der Niederlande, Norwegens, der Schweiz und der Vereinigten Staaten. Joint statement on transparency; www.budapest.diplo.de 18.11.2009
[4] Schriftliche Daumenschraube; Pester Lloyd 47/2009
[5] see also Ein Zeichen der Freundschaft
[6] Westliche Investoren setzen Ungarns Regierung unter Druck; Handelsblatt 24.11.2009
[7] Schriftliche Daumenschraube; Pester Lloyd 47/2009



Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Eine katholische Pfarrgemeinde Ungarns wirbt mit rassistischem Flugblatt

Beobachter Ungarns, die von der rassistischen, antisemitischen Hetze der neopfeilkreuzlerischen Jobbik Partei und ihrer Kreatur der Ungarischen Garde nicht mehr überrascht werden können, wenn aber ein rassistisches Flugblatt der Jobbik auf einer Homepage einer Kirchgemeinde propagiert wird, dann sollten die Alarmglocken läuten…

Von Karl Pfeifer

Das von mir erwähnte Flugblatt hat ein Kreuz im Hintergrund und ruft dazu auf, zu einer Kreuzstellung zu kommen, die von Jobbik auf einem Budapester Platz anlässlich des Advents vorgenommen und wo diese Zeremonie der Kreuzstellung vom Dechant Antal é Musits organisiert und die Einweihung vom Cisterzienserpater Ákos Előd Brückner vorgenommen wurde.

Ein Satz aus diesem Flugblatt lautet: „Der Verein der christlichen Gentlemen wartet mit heißem Tee mit Rum auf Menschen unserer Rasse“ [betont von K.P.]
(A Keresztény Úriemberek Társasága forró, rumos teával várja a magunkfajtákat)

Die ungarischen Wörter faj und fajta bedeuten Rasse, fajta kann auch Art und Schlag bedeuten, aber in diesem Kontext eines von Jobbik signierten Flugblattes bedeutet es eindeutig Rasse. Das Wort „christlich“ wird in Ungarn auch als Synonym für nichtjüdisch gebraucht.

Im auf der Homepage verbreiteten Text des Dechant Musits steht folgender Satz, der einer Schutzbehauptung gleichkommt: „Der Initiator ist, wie in früheren Jahren die Jobbik Bewegung, wir hoffen, dass ihr Motiv, die aufrichtige christliche Verpflichtung ist, und von keiner politischen Absicht, Vorbereitung von Wahlen durchdrungen ist.“

Wenn das von seinen Vorgesetzten geglaubt und akzeptiert wird, dann sagt das viel über den Zustand der katholischen Kirche Ungarns aus.

Bei dieser Gelegenheit hielt auch der pensionierte Brigadegeneral und reformierte Bischof Tamás Csuka, der die Fahnen der Ungarischen Garde am 25. August 2007 segnete, eine Rede.

Das kann nicht erstaunen, da die Reformierte Kirche Ungarns den Rassismus und Antisemitismus transportierenden Pfarrer Lóránt Hegedüs jun. ebenfalls weiterhin amtieren lässt, denn sie beruft sich auf Autonomie der Pfarreien. Und was kann man da tun, sagen händeringend ihre Würdenträger, wenn so viele Beiträge zahlenden Mitglieder Rassisten und Antisemiten sind?

Die christlichen Kirchen haben lange gewartet, bis sie im November 2009 eine sehr vorsichtig, allgemein formulierte Erklärung gegen die Aufschaukelung zum Hass öffentlich gemacht haben, die anscheinend in erster Linie zur Täuschung des Auslands gedacht ist, im Inland werden vielfach, meistens eher implizit als explizit die politisch rechte Fidesz und die rechtsextremistische, rassistische und antisemitische Jobbik Partei unterstützt.

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Hungary: Catholic Church dignitary peddles racist flyer of neo-Arrow Cross party

This is a guest post by Karl Pfeifer.

Their tongue is as an arrow shot out: it speaketh deceit: one speaketh peaceably to his neighbour with his mouth, but in heart he layeth his wait

Jeremiah 9:8

Sometimes even a hardboiled observer of Hungary can be surprised by what is possible in a member country of EU. I had to write one year ago about antisemitism inside the Catholic and the Reformed Churches of Hungary[1]. But usually I do not look into Hungarian Catholic or Reformed Church website. A leaflet of the neo-Arrow Cross party Jobbik distributed in Budapest – an invitation to the ceremony of the installation of a cross on a big place in the centre of Buda, part of Budapest, on the western side of the Danube – sent to me by snail mail not only astonished me, but made me curious. Could it be that a catholic priest is peddling explicit racism? Could it be that a Calvinist bishop gives a speech at such an event?

The answer is an unequivocal YES.

The organizer of his event, dean Antal é Musits organized this event according the leaflet. So I looked into the website of his church [2] and I found the mentioned Jobbik leaflet in jpg [3]. On this Jobbik leaflet peddled by dean Musits I found the following sentence:

“The society of Christian gentlemen is expecting people of our race with hot tea with rum.”

(A Keresztény Úriemberek Társasága forró, rumos teával várja a magunkfajtákat.”)

In order to understand exactly what this means, one should know that the word ‘Christian’ in this Hungarian context means not a member of a Christian church, but non-Jewish. The word ‘magunkfajta’ is based on the word ‘faj’ which means ‘race’. The word ‘fajta’ has more than one meaning, it means ‘of our kind’, but also ’somebody of our race’. In the context of a Jobbik leaflet ‘magunkfajta’ means our race.

I thought I’d surprise a Hungarian Catholic in my acquaintance with this news, but he told me that in Hungary it is not uncommon for Catholic bishops to promote, in church and usually implicitly, the political right-wing party Fidesz, and even Jobbik. A Catholic priest peddling in Budapest a racist leaflet on the web site of his church did not surprise him. Cistercian monk Ákos Előd Brückner declared that Hungarians should feel proud to have such organisations as Jobbik. This is not surprising either.

I am not amazed by the fact that a Bishop of the Calvinist church is speaking at an event organized and promoted by racist and antisemitic Jobbik. After all I had to write several times about Lóránt Hegedüs junior, who also racist and antisemitic, and appears at the events of the infamous Hungarian Guard [4].

So I did some research on this bishop. Tamás Csuka is a Bishop of the Reformed Church and a retired brigadier (formerly chief pastor of the Hungarian Army) and as of September 2009, still active in his church [5]. Bishop Csuka consecrated the flags of the Hungarian Guards [6] and gave an antisemitic speech at this gathering in Budapest on November 28.

I wrote in 2007: “The violence is a particular concern in view of Jobbik’s belief that the coalition “should not be able to finish its term”, which ends in 2010″.

To collaborate with a racist party when violence is rampant is a dangerous policy. The Catholic and Reformed Churches feel the need to declare publicly their antagonism to racism and at the same time to be “realistic” and cater for that a substantial part of their members who are racist and antisemitic.

They do SPEAK OUT OF BOTH SIDES OF THEIR MOUTH, to the world they say “We are against racism” but in Hungary, by promoting the political business of the right and extreme right more or less implicitly, church dignitaries signal that racism and antisemitism are acceptable for believers.

1) http://www.hurryupharry.org/2009/07/26/hungary%E2%80%99s-biased-justice/


2) Szent Imre Plébánia: http://www.szentimre.hu/archives/1455

3) http://www.szentimre.hu/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/keresztallitas.jpg

4) see 1

5) http://www.reformatus.hu/archiv/2009/folytat_hirek.php?cikk=1249299678

6) http://www.searchlightmagazine.com/index.php?link=template&story=210

As far as I am informed, the Hungarian ministry of defence did not take action against Tamás Csuka. K.P.


Reference: http://engageonline.wordpress.com/2009/12/01/hungary-catholic-church-dignitary-peddles-racist-flyer-of-neo-arrow-cross-party/

A 298-as díszparcella botránya - sajtótájékoztató

2009.12.02 (szerda) 14.00

Hősként tisztelt tömeggyilkosok - a 298-as díszparcella botránya folytatódik(1)

Radnóti feltételezett gyilkosainak, háborús bűnösöknek nem jár nemzeti tisztelet, Magyarországon mégis díszparcellában van eltemetve szinte valamennyi, a második világháború után kivégzett háborús bűnös.
Civilszervezetek és magánszemélyek a sírok megbontása nélküli radikális átalakításokat követelnek az úgynevezett Nemzeti Panteonban (Új köztemető 298-as parcella). 

Sajtótájékoztató keretében ismertetjük követeléseinket, az illetékes szervezetek irányába, illetve szakértők bevonásával mutatjuk be a botrányos helyzet részleteit.

Időpont: 2009. december 2. szerda 14.00 - 14.30 óra,
Helyszín: Békatanoda, Bp VIII. Bérkocsis utca 41.

Galba-Deák Ádám, [dh]elnök(2)
Donáth Ferenc, Nagy Imre Társaság Budapesti Szervezete, elnök
Csapody Tamás, kutató
Frisch György, kutató
Megjegyzések, források:
(1) A 298-as botránya: http://298.nolblog.hu/
(2)  DH: Demokratikus Hálózat, http://www.demokratikus.hu/: baloldali, főleg fiatalokból álló csoport, friss, korszerű  gondolatokkal, módszerekkel, némileg radikális vonásokkal.