The 3rd Radnóti March: remember and remind
[Updated: 01/11/2011]
Civilians initiated again, for the third time, a ~17-kilometre rally on the 9th November 2011 in Budapest from Parcel 298 of the cemetery "Újköztemető"(a) to the Danube. - in remembrance of the Night of Broken Glass(3) (a.k.a. Reichskristallnacht), a pogrom or series of attacks against Jews throughout Nazi Germany and in parts of Austria on the 9-10 November 1938;
- on the occasion of the International Day Against Fascism and Antisemitism(4);
- in remembrance of the Hungarian poet Miklós Radnóti(1), murdered by Hungarian Nazis (Arrow-Crossers (2)) on the 9th November 1944;
- to draw attention to the scandal of Parcel 298(a);
- to draw attention to the fact that Hungarians have thrown away democracy in 2010(5)in favour of the omnipotence of the far-right political power Fidesz (cooperating with Jobbik behind the scenes);
- to draw attention to the fact that Hungary has been breaking her own law including the Paris Peace Treaty(6) for around 20 years.

Cemetery maps can be found here:
The route map with stations is here:
The organizers ask and will be thankful for any kind of help .
Stations of the march with (planned) times:
- Parcel 298 of the Cemetery "Újköztemető"(a), Address: Budapest X., Kozma utca 8. - Start time: 12:00.
- Plaque Little Warsaw(b), Address: Budapest VIII., Népszínház utca 46.
- Monument of Hungarian Jewish inmates of forced labour camps(c), Address: Budapest VII., Bethlen Gábor tér 2.
- Plaque of Ferenc Koszorús(d), Address: Budapest VII., Károly körút 3.
Shoes on the Danube Promenade(e), Address: V., Kossuth Lajos tér 4. ~17:00-18:00. Here a torchlight commemoration of the victims of the Arrow-Cross terror with speeches and receiving of the marchers will be performed by some civil organizations from 18:00.- Plaque of Radnóti Miklós(d), Address: Budapest XIII., Pozsonyi út 1. Final station. End time: ~19:30
More details of the the 2010 march can be found in another post:
More details of the the 2009 march can be found in another post:
(1) Miklós Radnóti:
(2) Arrow-cross:;
(3) Night of Broken Glass:
(4) International Day Against Fascism and Antisemitism
(5) 2010. Hungary: democracy is over,
(6) Treaty of peace with Hungary, signed at Paris, on 10 February 1947:
(a) The parcel 298 is the spot of the scandal: mass murderers (Hungarian Nazis - Arrow-Crossers) are buried here and their graves have been handled by various governments since about 20 years like the those of national heroes, funded by state money. The scandalous story is documented (unfortunately, only in Hungarian) here:
(b) Memory of the (Little) Ghetto uprising; Photos about the spot:
(c) A memorial of the Jews who lost their lives in World War II as Hungarian inmates of forced labour camps; more in Hungarian:
(d) Ferenc Koszorús was an officer of the Hungarian army who stopped the deportation of Jews in Budapest with his troupes on the 9th July 1944; more in Hungarian:
(e) Shoes on the Danube Promenade:
(f) Miklós Radnóti plaque:
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