“The world is a dangerous place to live in; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.”
(Albert Einstein – refugee from Nazi Germany)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Berlini tüntetés Magyarországért

2012.03.24. Szombat, Berlin: német szervezetek demonstrációt szerveztek a magyar nagykövetség épülete elé a magyarországi demokráciáért:

[Fotó: Tsukasa Yajima ©]
Középen a felirat: "Magyarország, törődünk veled."
A magyar demokráciáért tüntetett szombaton a berlini magyar nagykövetség épülete előtt nagyjából nyolcvan, többnyire fiatal német.

A demonstrációt a
Németországi Európa Unió (Europa-Union Deutschlands - EUD), a Fiatal Európai Föderalisták (Junge Europäische Föderalisten - JEF) elnevezésű nemzetközi ifjúsági mozgalom németországi tagszervezete és a Több Demokráciát! (Mehr Demokratie!) elnevezésű egyesület szervezte.
A demonstráció fő szónoka Rainer Wieland, az EUD elnöke, a Német Kereszténydemokrata Unió (CDU) politikusa, az Európai Parlament alelnöke volt,...
Körülbelül száz tüntető bírálta ma a magyar kormány politikáját a német fővárosban. Az eseményen megjelent a CDU EP-képviselője, Rainer Wieland is, aki Brüsszelben a Fidesszel és a KDNP-vel ül egy frakcióban.(2)
Német fiatalok tüntettek szombaton Magyarország berlini nagykövetsége előtt a magyar demokrácia minősége miatt. A tüntetés szószólója egy kereszténydemokrata politikus, az Európai Parlament alelnöke volt, aki aggályairól levelet is írt a magyar nagykövetségnek.(3)

(1) 2012.03.24. HVG.hu, Tüntettek a berlini magyar követségnél: http://hvg.hu/vilag/20120324_tuntetes_berlini_magyar_kovetseg
(2) 2012.03.26. Heti Válasz, 100 fős tüntetés Berlinben: a Fidesz ellen, de a Fidesszel egy frakcióban: http://hetivalasz.hu/vilag/a-fidesz-ellen-de-a-fidesszel-egy-frakcioban-47273
(3) 2012.03.24. Origo.hu, Magyarországért aggódó tüntetők vonultak fel Berlinben: http://www.origo.hu/nagyvilag/20120324-magyarorszagert-aggodo-tuntetok-vonultak-fel-a-berlini-magyar-nagykovetsegnel.html
(4) 2012.03.24. Hungarians protest for democracy and civil rights in Hungary - Berlin, http://www.demotix.com/news/1123092/hungarians-protest-democracy-and-civil-rights-hungary-berlin
"Körülbelül 250 ember gyűlt össze Berlin belvárosában, hogy meneteljen a demokráciáért, a polgári jogokért, és egy olyan Magyarországért, amelyik az európai értékek közösségéhez tartozik. A menet végállomása a magyar nagykövetség épülete volt, amely előtt beszédeket tartottak." Az eredeti angol szöveg: "About 250 people met in Berlin's city center to march for democracy, civil rights and an Hungary which is part of a European community of shared values. The march ended with a rally in front of the Hungarian Embassy. " 
(5) 2012.03.24. EUD, Demonstration: Ungarn muss Teil der europäischen Wertegemeinschaft bleiben!  http://www.europa-union.de/eud/news/aufruf-zur-demonstration-ungarn-muss-teil-der-europaeischen-wertegemeinschaft-bleiben/
"A JEF és az EUD több mint 150 tagja és barátai demonstráltak a berlini magyar nagykövetség épülete előtt a demokráciáért és jogállamiságért, mert az európai értékeket veszélyeztetve érzik."
"Trotz Frühlingsbeginn und sommerlichen Temperaturen herrschte heute vor der ungarischen Botschaft in Berlin kein eitel Sonnenschein. Über 150 Mitglieder und Freunde von JEF und Europa-Union demonstrierten dort gemeinsam für Demokratie und Rechtstaatlichkeit, weil wir die europäischen Werte in Gefahr sehen."
Érdekes megfigyelni a hírekben a számokat. A HVG(1) és az Origo(3) (melyek a jobb és bal közötti média-skálán talán valahol középen vannak látszólag) az MTI (Fidesz-kormány vezérlése alatt működő, "nemzeti udvari hírügynökség") szövegének a másolatát közli. A szélsőjobbos Heti Válasz(3) cikke mutat egyediségre utaló jeleket, fotóval és Facebook oldalra (fotóalbumra) mutató hivatkozással dúsítva. És különös, hogy épp a Heti Válasz "szépít" a számokon. Persze, a Fidesz-MTI valószínűleg sokkal nagyobb közönséget tud "beteríteni" a híreivel, ezért fontos a Fidesz kormány érdekeit leginkább szolgáló fogalmazás.
Egy angol nyelvű fotós oldalon(4) 250-re becsülik a résztvevők számát. Az egyik szervező, a német EUD 150 fölötti létszámról ír(5).
Mindenesetre a fotó és videófelvételek alapján el lehet dönteni, hogy melyik szám áll inkább a valósághoz közelebb. Mindazonáltal ha Magyarországon lenne 80 (fiatal!) ember, akik úgy állnak ki együtt a demokráciáért, hogy egyidejűleg az antifasizmus kinyilvánítását is természetesnek veszik, akkor talán nem is veszett volna oda.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Antifa-Aktivisten entfernen Árpádflagge in Budapest

Wie die Tageszeitung Népszava(1) und der Blog Fotolexikon(2) berichten, hing am 15. März 2012, dem Nationaltag, die rechtsextreme rotweißgestreifte Árpádflagge neben der rotweißgrünen ungarischen Nationalflagge an einem Gebäude in Zúglo, dem 14. Distrikt von Budapest.
Árpád-stripes flag on a house in Zugló, Budapest(2)
Dies löste Diskussionen und Reaktionen auf Facebook aus. Die Journalistin Mónika Török ermutigte die Bürger des Distrikts, die Flagge zu entfernen, anstatt einfach abzuwarten. Die Reaktionen darauf fielen skeptisch und zurückhaltend aus, dennoch ließen Nazidrohungen für den Fall des Verschwindens der Fahne nicht auf sich warten. Einige User hatten moralische(!) Skrupel und schrieben: „Ihr Linken solltet verstehen, dass Widerstand bei uns noch nie eine große Sache war“. Da von lokalen Aktivisten nichts zu erwarten war, entfernten die Journalistin und einige ihrer Gefährten die Flagge eigenhändig und berichteten darüber(2,3) auf Facebook.

arpadsavos zászló leszerelése.MOV
Die Reaktionen darauf waren zumindest enttäuschend. Einige Kommentare drückten Anerkennung und Gratulationen aus, doch die meisten vor allem Sorge und Angst über mögliche Konsequenzen oder sogar Rache: „Oh mein Gott, was passiert jetzt?“, lautete ein Kommentar. Im Gegensatz dazu waren die Nazis nicht so schüchtern. Rasch erschienen ekelhafte Beleidigungen und Morddrohungen, darunter antisemitische Sprüche, wie: „Das Sommercamp Auschwitz wird wiedereröffnet werden, dann können sie soviel jammern, wie sie wollen. Tee-hee.“

Das ist Ungarn 2012, schloß János Dési, Autor des Artikels in der Népszava.
(1) 26/03/2012, Dési János:
Szaknyilasok, ellenállók és az Árpád-sávos zászló,http://www.nepszava.hu/articles/article.php?id=533029
(2) 26/03/2012,
Szaknyilasok, ellenállók és az Árpád-sávos zászló: http://fotolexikon.blogspot.com/
Árpád stripes, Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%81rp%C3%A1d_stripes  

(a) Obwohl die Árpád-Streifen(4) jahrhundertealte historische Ursprünge haben, sind sie faschistisch konnotiert, da die ungarischen Pfeilkreuzler, die die Nazi-Marionettenregierung von Oktober 1944 bis April 1945 stellten, in den 1940ern eine ähnliches Symbol in ihrer Flagge benützten. Heute leugnen die ungarischen Neonazis die Beziehung zum Symbol der Pfeilkreuzler und behaupten, ihre sei verschieden. Aber die starke Ähnlichkeit ist unzweifelhaft und wohl nicht unabsichtlich. Jedenfalls werden die Árpád-Streifen (auf Flaggen oder anderem Material) heute ausschließlich von ungarischen Rechtsextremen bevorzugt benutzt
(b) Auf Youtube kann mensch unter dem Video einige sehr heftige Nazikommentare finden, allerdings auf ungarisch:

Englisch Version: antifa-hungary: Antifa activists remove Árpád-stripes flag in Budapest, http://antifa-hungary.blogspot.com/2012/03/antifa-activists-remove-arpad-stripes.html

Antifa activists remove Árpád-stripes flag in Budapest

The far-right's red-white-striped Árpád-stripes(4) flag appeared next to red-white-green Hungarian flag on a building in Zugló, the 14th district of Budapest on the national holiday of 15 March 2012, the daily newspaper Népszava(1) and the blog Fotolexikon(2) report.
Árpád-stripes flag on a house in Zugló, Budapest(2)
This fact generated some discussion and amazement on Facebook. The journalist Mónika Török encouraged citizens of the district to remove the flag rather than just to bewail the situation. The replies to this suggestion were sceptic and reluctant, nevertheless some Nazis immediately came up with threats for the case should the flag disappear. Some commentators had moral(!) scruples about doing something like this by saying: 'you should realize that resistance has never been a custom of us, leftists'. Seeing that no action can be expected from local activists, the journalist and some of her companions removed the Nazi-flag by themselves and reported about the action(2,3) on Facebook.

arpadsavos zászló leszerelése.MOV

The reaction to this report was at least disappointing. Some comments admittedly expressed appreciation and congratulated to the action, however, most of them gave voice to concern and fear about possible consequences or even revenge - 'oh my God, what will happen now', a commentator wrote. Conversely, the Nazis were not so shy. Gross verbal insults and threats to murder appeared immediately including anti-Semitic sayings like: "The summer-camp Auschwitz will be re-opened and then they may lament as much as they want to. Tee-hee."

This is Hungary 2012, János Dési, the author of the Népszava article concludes.
(1) 26/03/2012, Dési János: Szaknyilasok, ellenállók és az Árpád-sávos zászló,
(2) 26/03/2012, Szaknyilasok, ellenállók és az Árpád-sávos zászló: http://fotolexikon.blogspot.com/
(3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHRx5LjXyMU
(4) Árpád stripes, Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%81rp%C3%A1d_stripes
(a) Although the Árpád stripes(4) have centuries old historical origins, they have fascist connotations because the Nazi puppet government formed by members of the Hungarian Arrow Cross Party, which was in place for seven months (October 1944–April 1945), used a similar symbol as a component of their flag in the 1940s. Today Hungarian neo-Nazis deny the relation to the symbol of Arrow Cross Party saying that theirs is different. But the strong similarity is undoubted and one hardly could say it is unintentional. Anyway, today the Árpád stripes pattern (on flag or different material) is preferably used by Hungarian far-rights only .

(b) Under the video on the Youtube(3) can be read some extremely rude Nazi comment. In Hungarian, naturally:
German version: Antifa-Aktivisten entfernen Árpádflagge in Budapest, http://antifa-hungary.blogspot.com/2012/03/antifa-aktivisten-entfernen-arpadflagge.html

Judiciary under control of fascistic government

Another step of demolishing the democracy on the way towards the fascism in Hungary can be known by a Guardian article(1):

Victor Orbán
In Hungary, one woman effectively controls the judiciary, and she happens to be married to the author of its constitution
Imagine a European country where one person can pick the judges. And effectively sack them or transfer them to other courts. And draw up court rules. And initiate legislation on the courts. And hold some 60 other specified legal powers
All these powers are in the hands of Tünde Handó(2), a former judge and president of the newly established national judicial office (NJO). No doubt it's pure coincidence that she is married to József Szájer(3), a founding member of the ruling Fidesz party and the man credited with drawing up Hungary's constitution on his iPad.
When not only the fundamental principles but also very specific and detailed rules on certain issues will be enacted in cardinal laws," it[Venice commission(4)] added, "the principle of democracy itself is at risk."
(1) 20/03/2012, The Guardian, Joshua Rozenberg: Meet Tünde Handó http://www.guardian.co.uk/law/2012/mar/20/tunde-hando-hungarian-judges (The Orbán photo is linked from here.)
      23/03/2012, The Guardian: Unveil the courts? http://www.guardian.co.uk/law/2012/mar/23/1
      21/03/2012, HVG.hu: Guardian: "Ismerjék meg Handó Tündét" - excerpt from the Guardian article in Hungarian, with translation of some parts of it: http://hvg.hu/vilag/20120321_hando_guardian
     Eva S. Balogh 13/12/2011: The end of the independent judiciary, http://esbalogh.typepad.com/hungarianspectrum/2011/12/the-end-of-the-independent-judiciary.html
Tünde Handó
"Until now the appointment of judges was the jurisdiction of an organization consisting of high-level judges, the chief justice, and the minister of justice. This organization was abolished. In its place the Orbán government set up the Országos Bírósági Hivatal (OBH) whose head, appointed for nine years, will be able to pick judges single-handedly. This position as of today is filled by Tünde Handó(2), the wife of József Szájer(3), Fidesz European parliamentary member and one of the founders of Fidesz.
József Szájer
He was the one who wrote the Hungarian constitution on an iPad on the train between Budapest and Brussels. Moreover, Tünde Handó is a very close friend of both Viktor Orbán and his wife, Anikó Lévai. They all lived in the same dormitory in the 1980s as law students. The friendship has lasted almost 30 years. Tünde and Anikó can often be seen together attending concerts or theatre performances."

(3) Tünde Handó on Wikipedia (in Hungarian): http://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hand%C3%B3_T%C3%BCnde
(4) József Szájer on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J%C3%B3zsef_Sz%C3%A1jer

(3) Venice Commission: http://www.venice.coe.int/site/main/Presentation_E.asp
"The European Commission for Democracy through Law, better known as the Venice Commission, is the Council of Europe's advisory body on constitutional matters. Established in 1990, the commission has played a leading role in the adoption of constitutions that conform to the standards of Europe's constitutional heritage.

Initially conceived as a tool for emergency constitutional engineering, the commission has become an internationally recognised independent legal think-tank. Today it contributes to the dissemination of the European constitutional heritage, based on the continent's fundamental legal values while continuing to provide “constitutional first-aid” to individual states. The Venice Commission also plays a unique and unrivalled role in crisis management and conflict prevention through constitution building and advice."
"the principle of democracy itself is at risk." - the main problem is not so with principles but as much more rather practise. Fidesz (Orbán) has ability even all of the tools to make the world believe that they are building democracy in Hungary. And the world readily believes it. None of the country needs diplomatic complication, does it? It is more convenient to close their eyes and ears, to believe that there are no any serious problem and to learn what the Fidesz government pretends.

We wonder what if a country doesn't take the advices of this type of commissions(5). As can be seen regarding the case of the Paris Peace Treaty(1947). The international agreement even contained by Hungarian act is good for nothing. None of any signatories (e.g. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United States of America, Australia, Canada, India, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa ) does care about the violation of the agreement. So it can happens in the 21th century in the middle of Europe that a little country has been marching on the way towards a new type of fascism even nacizm undisturbed.

After all at this time the world will not have any excuse (e.g.: "Sorry. How could we imagine that those terrible things would happen? We had no any ideas what were going on in Germany and later in Europe?") for why they allowed to happen. Indeed the victims are not/will not be happy knowing about it.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Early steps of the reborn fascist tendency

Example for early phases of the tendency towards reborn of Nazi ideologies, movements and organizations in Hungary and also responsibility of the political parties and public persons about it.(1):

Freedom of speech in Hungary has all too often become a freedom for Nazi-speech(a), which is sometimes defended by the very people it attacks and seeks to destroy– as the story of Hungarian politician Miklós Gáspár Tamás[MGT](2) shows. Tamás began as a Marxist, became a Liberal and MP of the Liberal SZDSZ party from 1990 until 1994, returned to Marxism again and is now one of the leaders of a small left-wing group.

Two main ideologies compete in Hungary today: that of the extreme right-wing party Jobbik, which is openly antisemitic, anti-Roma and anti-gay, and that of the ruling party Fidesz, which considers itself a party of the middle pretending to combat antisemitism, while hosting and protecting violently antisemitic personalities.
[MGT] steadfastly declined to attack antisemites– because of his commitment to “intellectual freedom.” He was less tolerant(b) when Budapest Rabbi György Landeszmann committed a famous gaffe in February 1993 by publicly stating (after many provocative questions) that there would not be any Hungarian culture without the Jews.

Miklós Gáspár Tamás– who had declared in March 1992: “
We must protect every party, every thought, even those we feel to be unsupportable(4.1)– one year later called Dr. Landeszmann, the former head of the Jewish archives of Hungary, “a stupid and mischievous Hungarian citizen […] who has read nothing since his A-levels.” He then went on (and I translate only his less vitriolic remarks): “Considering the idiotic statements by Mr. Landeszmann, more short-tempered people than me might be tempted to say: ‘If Mr. Chief Rabbi is so displeased with us, why don’t we ask him, with blushing face and trembling lids, to kindly emigrate to Israel.’ […] How could the Jews, an allegedly wise people […] charge Landeszmann with the leadership of their community?(4.2)
Yet when István Csurka(5), one of the Hungary’s most outspoken and influential antisemites, died recently Tamás published a long obituary in a liberal weekly. While not denying Csurka’s fierce antisemitism, Tamás stated: “
[Csurka] was not a Nazi in the sense of Jobbik [the ultra-right-wingers], a party that does not really care about the Hungarian people. […] May he rest in peace, he was not the worst.”(...)

(1) Karl Pfeifer: A compulsive urge, 2012/03/20. http://hurryupharry.org/2012/03/20/a-compulsive-urge/

Tamás Gáspár Miklós (TGM) on Wikipedia ( in Hungarian - no English version but French, Spanish, Russian and Esperanto (none of them is sufficient complex articles)): http://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tam%C3%A1s_G%C3%A1sp%C3%A1r_Mikl%C3%B3s
One can find many articles and a lot of information of him in English all over the web, e.g.:
The Left and Marxism in Eastern Europe; Gáspár Miklós Tamás Interviewed by Imre Szeman, brief version: http://mrzine.monthlyreview.org/2010/tamas170410.html
full version: http://www.mediationsjournal.org/articles/the-left-and-marxism-in-eastern-europe

The author Karl Pfeifer wrote the Hungarian version of the post (1) with exact references and quotes:
2012/03/02: Karl Pfeifer: Ellenvélemény, ÉS (a weekly for democratic-liberal intellectuals): http://www.es.hu/karl_pfeifer;ellenvelemeny;2012-02-29.html
(4.1) 1992/03/15: on a demostration TGM said (in Hungarian): „...nem egy pártot, nem egy gondolkodásmódot és nem egy ízlést kell védenünk, hanem minden ízlést, minden pártot és minden gondolatot, még azt is, amelyet elviselhetetlennek érzünk”
(4.2) 1993/03/18: TGM wrote (in Hungarian) in Magyar Hírlap,(a daly, that time left-liberal today rude nazi)
Landeszmann főrabbi buta magyar állampolgár, kártékony magyar állampolgár (...) a zsidók állítólag okos emberek. De hát ez az állapot nem tarthat sokáig, ha olyanok tanítják őket a szentre és igazra, mint Landeszmann főrabbi.

Landeszmann affair similarity to Kertész one:
Eva S. Balogh: The Ákos Kertész affair, 2011/09/07: http://esbalogh.typepad.com/hungarianspectrum/2011/09/the-%C3%A1kos-kert%C3%A9sz-affair.html?cid=6a00e009865ae588330163026c3f87970d
"This case is somewhat similar to the "Landeszmann case" of 1993 that kept the Hungarian nationalistic right excited for a very long time.

György Landeszmann was a rabbi who, after hearing István Csurka's seemingly endless antisemitic rantings, got tired of the tirades and said something not too flattering about Hungarian culture without the participation of Hungarians of Jewish origin. The reaction was incredible. Heti Magyarország, the right-wing paper of the day, published a whole book in which Károly Alexa, the editor, collected all the articles dealing with the subject. Believe it or not, there are 266 pages filled with the stuff that followed a couple of ill-chosen sentences. Let me add that Landeszmann was right about the enormous contributions that Hungarians of Jewish origin have made to modern Hungarian culture in general, at least in the last one hundred years. By the way, in the end Landeszmann emigrated to Canada."

(5) Nazi writer in the 1956 National Pantheon

(6) Some relating source with additional references in Hungarian:
A gatya bõ, a barack fütyül, 2008/02/26: http://www.judapest.org/a-gatya-bo-a-barack-futyul/
1993: bőgatya és fütyülős barack, 2008/02/26: http://index.hu/belfold/tegnapiujsag/2008/02/26/1993/
(a)  Especially for 2002 the right of free-speech both that of assembly gradually has been appropriated by far-rights.

(b)  Typical Hungarian liberal double standard. Some editors of this blog have been experiencing directly  how the liberal free-speech fervours could be angry, dismissive, intolerant, even rude personal when getting criticism or debate. Some times their reaction goes beyond that of far-rights. Now the GTM's reply to the Pfeifer's critical article(1) proves again this statement of ours: ÉS, 23/03/2012: Tamás Gáspár Miklós: „Ellenvélemény” (MGT: "Opposition" ), http://www.es.hu/tamas_gaspar_miklos;8222;ellenvelemeny8221;;2012-03-07.html . Although the truth is that GTM doesn't call himself liberal today. After all we cannot say much more better about the attitude of Hungarian "left-wings" too.
We dare say there is no doubt about the responsibility also of the Hungarian liberals for the strengthen of the fascist tendency.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Ever True Statement

“The world is a dangerous place to live in; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.” Albert Einstein – refugee from Nazi Germany
Unite Against Fascism, http://uaf.org.uk/about/
Albert Einstein, Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Einstein

Double standard

We wrote about a planned action of the illegal Neo-Nazi parliamentary party Jobbik in Veszprém: Jobbik-rally: "We are sick and tired of the Holocaust!!!"

On the photos of the reports(1) can be seen that Nazis were about ten maybe. It is said that the counter-protesters could be twice more than Nazis. They hold sheets with slogans formally similar to Nazis' ones but contrary in meaning: "We are fed up with anti-Semitism and Nazism!".

According to the Jobbik article(2) the police made the counter-protesters to take off badges with the universal antifascist symbol crossed-out swastika on them. Though we have not any confirmation but we strongly believe that they obeyed without any objection. The real reason also is not known why the police did it(3).

Pretty Hungarian absurdity that the police (and also all of the Hungarian authorities) has no any problem with illegal Neo-Nazis. As for the Anti-Nazi protesters, well, they don't dare say Nazis illegal. Maybe they cannot understand why would be.

On the website of the Neo-Nazi parliamentary party Jobbik can be seen prohibited(4) totalitarian symbol, hammer and sickle:

(1) Reports in a local website about the Veszprém event:
 (2) The report of Jobbik with title "Didn't let us to be provocated" http://veszprem.jobbik.hu/content/nem-hagytuk-magunkat-provok%C3%A1lni and they are talking about "double standard". The article is written in the general rude nazi style.

(3) Who could think that the fight against the Neo-Nazism is hampered even in Germany:
(4) 1978. / IV. 269/B. §, http://net.jogtar.hu/jr/gen/hjegy_doc.cgi?docid=97800004.TV
"Hungary, it is a criminal misdemeanour to publicly display "totalitarian symbols", including the swastika, the SS insignia and the Arrow Cross, punishable by fine. Display for academic, educational, artistic or journalistic reasons is allowed. Also the communist symbols of hammer and sickle and the red star are also regarded as a totalitarian symbols and have the same restriction by Hungarian criminal law." http://wiki.answers.com/Q/In_what_countries_is_the_swastika_symbol_illegal

    Monday, March 19, 2012

    Veszprém: protest against the Nazi outrage

    We wrote about a next action planned by Neo-Nazis in a Hungarian town Veszprém in a recent post with title  "Jobbik-rally: "We are sick and tired of the Holocaust!!!"" (17/03/2012).

    Now the local organizations of the Democratic Coalition(1) in Veszprém County(2) announced they protest against the planned Neo-Nazi outrage. A piece of the Hungarian text of the announcement(3):
    A Demokratikus Koalíció Veszprém megyei szervezetei elítélik ezt és tiltakoznak ez ellen!
    A XX. évszázad kirívóan szégyenletes bűne a holokauszt volt. A Veszprémbe érkező vándorkiállítás a sokat szenvedett emberekre, a meggyilkoltakra, de a meggyilkoltakat védelmezőkre, a gaztettekkel szembefordulókra is emlékeztet mindnyájunkat! Soha nem elég emlékezni és emlékeztetni az áldozatokra! Mindezt tagadni pedig égbekiáltó bűn!
    (1) Democratic Coalition (abbreviation: DK),Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democratic_Coalition
    (2) Veszprém County, Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veszpr%C3%A9m_County
    (3) Homepage of DK: http://demokratikuskoalicio.hu/index.php/2011-12-05-15-42-05/dkhirek/1953-a-dk-veszprem-megyei-szervezetei-tiltakoznak-a-jobbik-felhaborito-megmozdulasa-ellen
    We think these type of announcements are important. However, especially nowadays, something more ought to be done. As we have written in our previous  post.

    Saturday, March 17, 2012

    Jobbik-rally: "We are sick and tired of the Holocaust!!!"

    Following announcement can be read in the web page of the Veszprém primary organization of the Jobbik party, in the rubric "Local events":(1)

    The cattle-truck supported by the March of the Living Foundation and spiralling throughout the country while making anti-Hungarian propaganda will arrive at Veszprém, after Székesfehérvár, on 19 March.

    In our opinion, we cannot pass over this event in silence either and, therefore, we have organized a rally in Veszprém, in the field in front of the railway station on 19 March from 10 am to 1 pm.

    We are expecting everyone who is sick and tired of the Holocaust and of having one law for one's friends and another for one's foes.

    Kovács Rajmund, President

    Snapshot of the web page of the Veszprém primary organization of the Jobbik party on 17 March 2012 at 18:46

    Holocaust denial in the limelight of great publicity is a crime threatened with imprisonment up to three years according to the prevailing law in Hungary.(2,3)

    Furthermore, prevailing Hungarian law based on an international treaty forbids the activity of fascist organizations.(4)

    We are looking forward with great interest to seeing when the Prosecution will fulfil its professional duty by initiating a criminal procedure against the law-breaker Jobbik and by initiating the proscription of this unlawfully existing Neo-Nazi party.
    Relating posts:
    Veszprém: protest against the Nazi outrage

    Jobbik-tüntetés: "Torkig vagyunk a holokauszttal!!!"

    Az alábbi felhívás a Jobbik veszprémi alapszervezetének honlapján, a "Helyi rendezvények" rovatban olvasható.(1)

    Székesfehérvár után Veszprémbe érkezik március 19-én az Élet Menete Alapítvány által támogatott, az országban kacskaringázó és magyarellenes propagandát folytató marhavagon.

    Úgy véljük, hogy mi sem mehetünk el szó nélkül az esemény mellett, ezért tüntetést szervezünk március 19-én 10:00 órától 13:00 óráig Veszprémben, a vasútállomás előtti területen.

    Várunk mindenkit, aki már torkig van a holokauszttal és a kettős mércével.

    Kovács Rajmund, elnök

    Pillanatfelvétel a Jobbik veszprémi alapszervezetének honlapjáról(1) 2012. március 17-én 18:46-kor

    Magyarországon hatályos törvény minősíti bűntettnek és fenyegeti három évig terjedő börtönnel a holokauszt nagy nyilvánosság előtti tagadását.(2,3)

    Magyarországon ugyancsak hatályos, nemzetközi szerződésen alapuló törvény tiltja fasiszta szervezetek működését.(4)

    Érdeklődve várjuk, hogy az ügyészség - munkaköri kötelességét teljesítve - mikor indít hivatalból büntetőeljárást a törvénysértést elkövető Jobbik ellen, és kezdeményezi a törvényellenesen létező neonáci párt betiltását.
    (1) http://veszprem.jobbik.hu/content/torkig-vagyunk-holokauszttal
    (2) 1978. évi IV. törvény a Büntető Törvénykönyvről, A köznyugalom elleni bűncselekmények, A nemzeti szocialista és kommunista rendszerek bűneinek nyilvános tagadása 
    269/C. § Aki nagy nyilvánosság előtt a nemzeti szocialista vagy kommunista rendszerek által elkövetett népirtás és más, emberiség elleni cselekmények tényét tagadja, kétségbe vonja vagy jelentéktelen színben tünteti fel, bűntettet követ el, és három évig terjedő szabadságvesztéssel büntetendő.
    (3) https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holokauszttagad%C3%A1s
    (4) http://antifa-hungary.blogspot.com/2011/10/parizsi-bekeszerzodes-1947.html

    Variants of Hungarian Guard

    A useful collection of reports from Hungary about the neo-Nazi Hungarian Guard(1) related to killing of Romas, with English narration. Viktória Mohácsi(2), the former Member of European Parliament, Aladár Horváth(3), roma leader, Pál Tamás(4), sociologist, and others are speaking about deeper background and probable connections between events.  

    Krisztina Morvai(5), (lawyer) the well known anti-Semitic politician close co-working with the neo-Nazi Jobbik (though she is not member of it), and some members of Jobbik also can be heard. The video was uploaded on Sep 2, 2009.

    Fascism in Hungary- Faschismus in Ungarn,EuroNews a magyarországi cigányságról magyar felirattal
    (1) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magyar_G%C3%A1rda
    The paramilitary neo-Nazi Magyar Gárda Mozgalom (English: Hungarian Guard Movement) founded by neo-Nazi party Jobbik (Gábor Vona) Nowaday it is formally banned but it acts under different names, as New Hungarian Guard or Hungarian National Guard and joined with other neo-Nazi groups in a "Gárda Szövetség" (Guard Alliance). Homepage of the latter (in Hungarian): http://www.gardaszovetseg.com

    (2) Viktória Mohácsi on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viktória_Mohácsi
    In 2009, she requested police protection due to serious threats she had received.
    In February 2012 she has asked for asylum in Canada.

    2012.02.04. romea.cz: Hungarian Roma activist, former member of European Parliament emigrates to Canada, "Under the previous, Socialist governments Mohacsi worked as ministerial commissioner in charge of the integration of children from Roma communities or living in deep poverty. She was delegated to the European Parliament by Hungary’s liberal Free Democratic Party, which has now become virtually defunct." http://www.romea.cz/english/index.php?id=detail&detail=2007_3142

    (3) Aladár Horváth: "a former SZDSZ member of parliament and chairman of the Roma Civil Rights Foundation, is spending a few months[in summer of 2011] in the United States. A couple of weeks ago he gave a lecture in Washington entitled Hungary: From Bad to Worse/End of the Republic, Rise of Barbarism." July 04, 2011. Aladár Horváth in Washington: the Roma issue in perspective,

    July 30, 2011. Aladár Horváth, Roma activist's meeting with Thomas O. Melia - http://esbalogh.typepad.com/hungarianspectrum/2011/07/aladár-horváth-roma-activists-meeting-with-thomas-o-melia.html

    In December of 2011 he was a guest lecturer in Canada:  Hungary, Canada, and the Roma: Roma Rights Seminar and Discussion in Canada, and an open lecture "Fate of Roma in Central Europe", http://www.romatoronto.org/past.html

    Aladár Horváth has returned (Horváth Aladár visszatért), January 24, 2012. http://www.romnet.hu/hirek/2012/01/24/horvath_aladar_visszatert . The article (in Hungarian) contained some useful pieces of information. The article alleges that Aladár Horváth cancelled the Roma Civil Rights Foundation and has formed a new organisation called Civil Rights Movement for Republic. Another source (in Hungarian): http://hvg.hu/itthon/20120124_roma_polgarjogi_mozgalom

    (4) Pál Tamás: professor of sociology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences:  http://www.socio.mta.hu/researchers/index.php?action=details&item=1 , http://www.evd-reset.org/general_members_faculty_cv_cv_dr._pal_tamas/
    Here is one of his studies in English, useful and informative: Radical right-wing ideologies at the start of the 2006 political season, http://www.socio.mta.hu/dynamic/TamasP_Radical_right_wing_ideologies.pdf

    Another informative article relating Pál Tamás in an English language blog: Radical right in Hungary, a new study, http://esbalogh.typepad.com/hungarianspectrum/2008/09/extreme-right-new-right-radical-right-in-hungary.html

    (5) Krisztina Morvai on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krisztina_Morvai
    "She was elected on the list of the political party Jobbik - Movement for a Better Hungary in the 2009 European Parliament elections. Although Morvai is not a member of Jobbik, the party already declared her as its future nominee for the position of the president of Hungary."

    Tuesday, March 13, 2012

    Neo-Nazi groups threaten the 15 March rally of democrats in Budapest

    The new Facebook group page "Rendszervágás"(1) has recently published serious threats(2-5) for participants of the anti-governmental rally of democrats taking place in Budapest on 15 March 2012. As announced by members of the group, armed troops of 3-5 people will unexpectedly show up among the demonstrators, will beat and injure them. Besides notorious figures of the far-right scene in Hungary like Zsolt Tyirityán, György Budaházy, László Toroczkai, and Balázs Sziva, now their Italian accomplice Roberto Fiore has also confirmed his participation in the far-right action. Conversely, famous intellectuals from Western Europe including Daniel Cohn-Bendit, Member of the European Parliament will strengthen the democratic side.

    The threatening post(4) that has been, in the meanwhile, removed from the Facebook group "Rendszervágás"(1)
    [2012.03.18.: the post is visible for eveyone on the web-opened Facebook-page(1).]
    It is to be feared that, unless serious precautions by the police will be taken, violence can hardly be avoided at this most significant national holiday of Hungarians. We are wondering who is really interested in violence and its possible escalation that may finally lead even to declaring the state of emergency.
    (1) https://www.facebook.com/pages/Rendszerv%C3%A1g%C3%A1s/297963580241541
    (2) http://www.hir24.hu/belfold/2012/03/12/millasok-nyakaba-szerveznek-tuntetest-a-nemzeti-radikalisok/ (in Hungarian)
    (3) http://atv.hu/cikk/20120312_facebook_viperaval_keszulnek_a_millas_tuntetesre_a_turbomagyarok (in Hungarian)
    (4) http://www.hir24.hu/baleset-bunugy/2012/03/13/feljelentest-tettek-a-millasok-a-viperas-fenyegetes-miatt/~~fokusz (in Hungarian, reference added on 14/03/12).
    (5) http://nol.hu/belfold/viperaval_tamadnanak_a_milla-tuntetokre_ (in Hungarian, reference added on 14/03/12).

    Wednesday, March 7, 2012

    Background of the Ákos Kertész affair

    If an English-speaking reader wants to understand precisely the Ákos Kertész affair we strongly recommend her/him reading the related article(1) in Eva S. Balogh's blog: Writer Ákos Kertész, 80, is seeking political asylum in Canada. This article contains the exact translation and explanation of Ákos Kertész's sentences and other circumstances.

    Some quotations from the article:
    What did Ákos Kertész do that upset the Hungarian right so much? He wrote an open letter to László Bartus, editor-in-chief of American-Hungarian Népszava, the oldest Hungarian-language paper in the United States, in which he bitterly complained about Hungarians who are "genetically servile" and who therefore allow the dictatorial Viktor Orbán to rule over them. He said a few harsh things, no doubt about it. He compared his fellow Hungarians to pigs who for the slop the farmer puts in front of them happily grunt, not realizing that they will be killed.

    It was the word "genetically" that caused consternation even in liberal circles because it looked as if Kertész was a racist. However, I read an article...

    (1) http://esbalogh.typepad.com/hungarianspectrum/2012/03/writer-%C3%A1kos-kert%C3%A9sz-80-is-seeking-political-asylum-in-canada

    Sunday, March 4, 2012

    Flucht aus einem Nazi-Land?

    Der ungarische Schriftsteller Akos Kertesz hat wegen einer gegen ihn gerichteten Hetzkampagne um Asyl in Kanada angesucht. Der 79-jährige, jüdische Roman- und Drehbuchautor sei am 29. Februar mit seiner Ehefrau in Montreal eingetroffen, berichteten ungarische Medien am Sonntag unter Berufung auf ein Schreiben des Pressebüros von Kertesz.

    Er habe dort den Flüchtlingsstatus beantragt, weil er infolge des medialen Kesseltreibens in seiner Heimat "physischen Belästigungen und Drohungen ausgesetzt war, auch tätlich insultiert und auf offener Straße angegriffen wurde und sein Leben in Gefahr sah", hieß es in dem Schreiben.
    (1) 04.03.2012, Schriftsteller Akos Kertesz bittet Kanada um Asyl: http://www.kleinezeitung.at/nachrichten/kultur/2962383/schriftsteller-akos-kertesz-bittet-kanada-um-asyl.story
    (2) Wikipedia: Ákos Kertész, http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%81kos_Kert%C3%A9sz

    Escape from a nazi country?

    29/02/2012 Ákos Kertész (1), (2), 80, Hungarian left-wing writer, Holocaust survivor and his wife have left Hungary (Europe) for Canada. They have applied for a refugee status there because their life in their homeland was in danger of Nazi threat.

    Since the publication of his open letter(8) in the US-based Hungarian-language news website (Amerikai Népszava), Hungarian Nazis have been freely threatening him and even physically attacked him on the street and elsewhere.

    That Nazis in Hungary - supported by the far-right government - are freely threatening, attacking a left-wing, Jewish Hungarian writer is not at all surprising. One could think little strange that neither anyone of the "left-wing", "democratic" politicians, nor other public figures (but, maybe, one or two) stood up for their terrified fellow. Just the other way round: they joined the Nazis' chorus. Still, if someone has paid attention to the last 20-years history of Hungary, actually nothing was unexpected.

    Since many years, Hungary has been continually violating a Hungarian law containing an international agreement(10), namely the Paris Treaty of peace with Hungary, 1947 - and other international agreements about human rights, too. Since about 1989 all Hungarian governments, parties, politicians and civil organisations as well as public figures have been taking their share of growing the tendency of reviving Nazi ideas, Nazi movements and organizations in Hungary. The process has been speeding up since 2002 when the Fidesz party lost the elections. Since then, the right-wing Fidesz has become far-right because no price was high enough for them for getting back to power. So Fidesz helped strengthening Nazis and for 8 years the parties Fidesz and Jobbik (together with other Nazi groups) have been collaborating with each other for getting and keeping the power.

    In the reality, politicians, parties, civil groups, public figures, calling themselves left-wings and/or democrats, have not been doing anything against this tendency, they have just let it. They didn't care it at all. Or they were/are afraid. Their short-term survival was more important for them. Some of them say anti-fascism has no PR value, therefore it doesn't serve their political purpose and/or their media-image so they neglect or even ignore the problem.

    For many years, Hungary has not been defending its citizens (Romas, Jews, homosexuals, left-wings, liberals) from anti-Semites, racists, homophobes and Nazis. Especially not nowadays when a far-right party rules and collaborates with Nazis. Going to court isn't good for anything since the judgements almost always favour the far-rights. Most of the cases even doesn't reach the court because the prosecutor rejects them.

    The world doesn't care what is going on in a little country in the middle of the Europe in the 21th century. Each country has its own problems. None of them needs diplomatic complication, does it? It is more convenient to close their eyes and ears, to believe that there are no any serious problems and to learn what the Fidesz government pretends.

    So what else remains in Hungary for members of threatened groups but emigration?

    It is bizarre that Canada is among the signatories of the Paris Treaty, 1947(10). We wonder, whether Canada remembers it when, after masses of Roma people, now also Hungarian Jews apply for refugee status there to escaping Nazi threat - in the 21th century?

    Sources / preludes:
    (1) Ákos Kertész on the Hungarian Wikipedia (no English version exists): http://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kert%C3%A9sz_%C3%81kos

    (2) 07/09/2011, The Ákos Kertész affair: http://esbalogh.typepad.com/hungarianspectrum/2011/09/the-%C3%A1kos-kert%C3%A9sz-affair.html
    He was born in 1932 and finished high school in 1950 but because of his "bourgeois" origin couldn't enter university. So, he worked on the bodies of Ikarus buses for twelve solid years. On the side he managed to finish university at night. Between 1966 and 1992 he worked at Mafilm where he was a screenplay writer. On the side he wrote several novels which were translated into multiple languages. Between 1994 and 1997 he was editor-in-chief of Élet és Irodalom. He received several prestigious prizes, including the much coveted Kossuth Prize. He was also given the freedom of Budapest. Today, after his bitter words about Hungarians who don't seem to be yearning for freedom and dignity but who let themselves be enslaved by a party and a government Kertész finds abhorrent, Jobbik wants to strip him of his Kossuth Prize and István Tarlós, who in my opinion talks too much and about things he shouldn't, wants to get back the key of Budapest.

    (3) 07/09/2011, Row over nation-bashing: http://budapost.eu/2011/09/row-over-nation-bashing/
    (4) 14/09/2011, Writer withdraws comment about “subservient” Hungarians after government threatens to take away Kossuth Prize: http://www.politics.hu/20110914/writer-withdraws-comment-about-subservient-hungarians-after-government-threatens-to-take-away-kossuth-prize/
    (5) 22/09/2011, Budapest assembly votes to revoke honor given to controversial author Kertész: http://www.politics.hu/20110922/budapest-assembly-votes-to-remove-akos-kerteszs-city-honour/
    (6) 22/09/2011, Ákos Kertész loses honorary citizenship: http://budapost.eu/2011/09/akos-kertesz-loses-honorary-citizenship/
    (7) 22/06/2011, about Ákos Kertész' affair: http://www.signandsight.com/features/2188.html
    In September [2011], the Hungarian writer and Holocaust survivor Akos Kertesz wrote a desperate open letter(8) (published in the left-leaning daily Amerikai Nepszava) about the state of his country in which he reviled the Hungarian people as "genetically inferior" (more here). A storm of outrage followed and the heated debate ended with the writer having his honorary citizenship to Budapest revoked. (Magyar Narancs 06.10.2011)
    (8) 29/08/2011, Ákos Kertész: Open Letter To Amerikai Népszava ("The Hungarian American People’s Voice and Liberty" in short: "American People’s Voice" ): Kertész Ákos nyílt levele az Amerikai Népszavához the URL of the first publication was: http://nepszava.com/2011/09/velemeny/kertesz-akos-nyilt-levele-az-amerikai-nepszavahoz.html but, unfortunately, the editors have moved the article to another URL several times. At the moment it can be found here: http://nepszava.com/2012/03/velemeny/kertesz-akos-nyilt-levele-az-amerikai-nepszavahoz.html

    (9) 26/09/2011, Author, top cop stripped of honours: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:iwL_oVGYTUwJ:budapesttimes.hu/index.php%3Foption%3Dcom_content%26task%3Dview%26id%3D20520%26Itemid%3D30&hl=en&client=firefox-a&strip=1
    Budapest City Council voted on Wednesday to strip the left-wing writer Ákos Kertész of his honorary citizenship. The head of the council’s right-of-centre Fidesz-Christian Democrat faction, Zsolt Németh, had made the proposal on the basis of remarks Kertész made in an open letter to a US-based Hungarian-language news website.

    Amid flames of protest fanned by far-right and government lawmakers, Kertész withdrew a remark that “Hungarians are genetically servile” but not his argument that Hungary had failed to face up to its crimes during the Holocaust.
    Also stripped of a civic honour was former Budapest police chief Péter Gergényi. A far-right Jobbik councillor had argued that Gergényi was unworthy of the Budapest Prize (awarded in November 2006 for “intensive and innovative work in the interests of strengthening public safety in the capital”) and a related medal. The nationalist opposition and the governing conservative alliance both accuse the police of brutality in the suppression of riotous protests against the former Socialist government.
    “Gergényi committed huge professional errors when officers under his command, not wearing identification numbers, assaulted innocent civilians,” deputy mayor István György argued when a Socialist councillor protested that the move was politically motivated. Lawyers are looking into the possibility of forcing Gergényi to pay back a cash prize that came with his awards.
    At the moment, this article can be retrieved only from Google's cache. On the website of The Budapest Times the article cannot be found any longer. (What a strange thing: "the staff of The Budapest Times is led by Canadian")
    (10) Treaty of peace with Hungary. Signed at Paris, on 10 February 1947:

    Nazi Schriftsteller in der 1956-er Ehrenparzelle

    Am 4. Februar 2012 verstarb der Schriftsteller und rechtsradikaler Politiker István Csurka(1), der 14 Tage später im Kerepescher Friedhof(2) in Budapest, in der Ehrenparzelle für die Helden der Revolution von 1956(3) beerdigt wurde. In diesem Zusammenhang veröffentlichte die Budapester Organisation der Imre-Nagy-Gesellschaft die folgende Erklärung:
    Die Budapester Organisation der Imre-Nagy-Gesellschaft verurteilt die Beerdigung des die nazistische Denkweise der ehemaligen Pfeilkreuzlerpartei wieder erweckenden und dadurch berühmt-berüchtigt gewordenen István Csurka in der Parzelle für die Teilnehmer der Revolution von 1956 im Nationalen Friedhof.

    Wir weisen die Lüge, auf die der Geist der Menschen auch durch diese Beerdigung gedrillt wird - nämlich dass die Revolution von 1956 hungaristische Züge gehabt hätte - entschieden zurück.

    Wir machen die ungarische und internationale Öffentlichkeit darauf aufmerksam, dass die für Leiter der Pfeilkreuzlerpartei und nazistische Massenmörder im Nationalen Pantheon reservierten Ehrengrabstätten(4) die Moral und auch das Andenken der Revolutionäre von 1956 verletzen, sowie die Wiederbelebung ihrer Ideen hindern.

    Im Namen der Imre-Nagy-Gesellschaft:
    Dr. Ferenc Donáth, Vorsitzender
    (1) https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Istv%C3%A1n_Csurka
    (2) https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerepesi_temet%C5%91
    (3) https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/301-es_parcella (auf Ungarisch)
    (4) http://298.nolblog.hu/ (auf Ungarisch)

    Nazi writer in the 1956 National Pantheon

    On 4 February 2012 passed away the writer and far-right politician István Csurka(1) who was buried two weeks later in the Kerepesi Cemetery,(2) in the National Pantheon of the heroes of 1956(3) in Budapest. In connection with this fact, the Budapest Organization of the Imre Nagy Society has published the following declaration:
    The Budapest Organization of the Imre Nagy Society condemns the fact that István Csurka who became notorious for his reviving Neo-Nazi way of thinking has been buried in the National Pantheon of the heroes of 1956 in Budapest.

    We reject the lie, now suggested also by this burial, that the revolution of 1956 would have had Nazi features.

    We repeatedly draw the attention of the public opinion both in Hungary and in the rest of the world to the honorary tombs of Arrow Cross leaders and mass murders maintained in the National Pantheon(4) that violate morality, as well as the memory of the 1956 revolutionists and hinder evoking of their ideas.

    On behalf of the Budapest Organization of the Imre Nagy Society:
    Dr. Ferenc Donáth, President
    (1) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Istv%C3%A1n_Csurka
    (2) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerepesi_Cemetery
    (3) https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/301-es_parcella (in Hungarian)
    (4) http://298.nolblog.hu/ (in Hungarian)

    Náci író az 1956-os Pantheonban

    2012. február 4-én elhunyt Csurka István(1) író, szélsőjobboldali politikus, akit két héttel később Budapesten, a Fiumei úti Nemzeti Sírkertben,(2) az 1956-os hősök parcellájában(3) temettek el. Ezzel kapcsolatban a Nagy Imre Társaság Budapesti Szervezete az alábbi nyilatkozatot tette közzé:
    A Nagy Imre Társaság Budapesti Szervezete elítéli a nyilas gondolkodást felélesztő, erről elhíresült Csurka István 56-os nemzeti sírkertben való eltemetését.

    Visszautasítjuk a temetéssel is sulykolt hazugságot, mely szerint az 1956-os forradalomnak lett volna hungarista vonása.

    Ismételten felhívjuk a magyar és nemzetközi közvélemény figyelmét, hogy a nyilas vezetők, tömeggyilkos keretlegények nemzeti panteonban fenntartott díszsírhelyei(4) sértik az erkölcsöt, az 1956-os forradalmárok emlékét, és akadályozzák eszméik felidézését.

    A Nagy Imre Társaság Budapesti Szervezet nevében:
    dr. Donáth Ferenc elnök.

    (1) https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Csurka_Istv%C3%A1n
    (2) https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiumei_%C3%BAti_Nemzeti_S%C3%ADrkert
    (3) https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/301-es_parcella
    (4) http://298.nolblog.hu/